Candidate Physical Agility Test

Our department recognizes the CPAT as the agility test for hire. All applicants must have a current CPAT test that is no older than one year.

What is the CPAT?

The Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) is a standardized physical examination used by many fire departments throughout the United States and Canada to assess a candidate’s ability to perform the tasks typically associated with firefighting. The test is designed to ensure that candidates possess the necessary physical capabilities to complete the demanding tasks of firefighting safely and effectively.

The CPAT is a sequence of eight events that are conducted in a predetermined order, with a specific time limit for each. The events simulate tasks a firefighter may encounter on the job, such as climbing stairs, dragging hoses, carrying equipment, swinging a sledgehammer, and performing a simulated rescue.

Here is a general overview of the eight events, in the order they’re typically performed:

  1. Stair Climb: This simulates climbing stairs in full protective clothing while carrying high-rise packs.
  2. Hose Drag: This involves stretching uncharged hoselines, advancing lines, and pulling lines.
  3. Equipment Carry: This simulates removing and carrying equipment from fire apparatus to the fireground.
  4. Ladder Raise and Extension: This simulates placing a ground ladder at a fire structure and extending the ladder to a window or roof.
  5. Forcible Entry: This simulates penetrating a locked door or breaching a wall.
  6. Search: This involves crawling through a dark, unpredictable area to search for victims.
  7. Rescue Drag: This simulates removing a victim or partner from a fire scene.
  8. Ceiling Breach and Pull: This simulates breaking and pulling down a ceiling to check for fire extension.

More videos on the CPAT below

Where do I Sign up for the CPAT?

Signing up for the CPAT is simple. The test is held nationally at many different locations. Click on the link below to Sign up for the CPAT

Public Safety Careers | Firefighter Jobs | Police Officer Jobs | National Testing Network

Is there any place locally I can take the CPAT?

Yes. Locally there is the MAAC Foundation. Its website: CPAT – MAAC Foundation

For more information on the CPAT, how it was developed by the IAFF and the CPAT manual (Click Here)

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